Today’s question is…
What is your favourite moment at a convention?
Oh gosh, I’m sure I have a lot and I’m sure I can’t remember them all.
Meeting Stan Lee for the second time last year is definitely one. He is SO nice.

Anytime I take my cousin Kevin to a convention! That’s so fun.
Winning 2nd place overall with Ash at A-Kon 2003.

Going onstage for the masquerade at Dragoncon 2002 with Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy (of MST3K) being the emcees.
The skit my friends and I did for Dragoncon 2005. We had a lot of fun with and the emcee read our blurb perfectly.

Being a Guest of Honor at my home town con, MidSouthCon, in 2011.
Meeting Ed Asner and George Barris at Anaheim Comic Con 2010.

Walking into the Marriott for the first time every year always feels like I’m back home.
Convincing Chase to be the Henry to my Anne Boleyn at Dragoncon 2009. Can’t believe he went for that.
Meeting Patrick Stewart at Dragoncon 2009.

Ash’s miraculous accident that got us into SDCC early in 2004 so we could get Dominic Monaghan’s autograph.
Dancing with my friends until all hours of the night at various Dragoncons.